Thursday, June 22, 2006

We took Rylan to the doctor for his check-up. He now weighs 8 lbs. 10 oz. and is 21 1/2 inches long. The doctor said he is doing great. My baby is growing up so fast. This Sunday he will be a month old...!! I look at him everyday to see what else is changing with him. He is such a wonderful baby. I will post pictures later.


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl, it's Hallie Jo. Congratulations! Your mother has been keeping us updated. We are so happy for you, but we miss you dearly. We want to see you and meet your new family. Jason and I are doing well and are building a house together. You would love it. I miss getting to see you every summer. It's been, what?, five years or so? maybe longer. Please call me sometime and we can catch up and let us know when you will be in texas next. Hannah and I and the rest of our family would love to see you.
Love ya!